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The Thin Blue Life
Does Christianity Encourage Christian Police Officers to be Intolerant Does Christianity Encourage Christian Police Officers to be Intolerant

Working as a Believer

There is growing cultural skepticism and criticism of all things “Christian,” including Christian police officers. At times like this, the issue of religious “tolerance”...

How-a-Murder-and-a-Few-Google-Employees-Demonstrate-the-Existence-of-God- How-a-Murder-and-a-Few-Google-Employees-Demonstrate-the-Existence-of-God-

Investigating Christianity

A few years ago, a news article described a murder in the UK as “evil”. What does such a claim tell us about the...

Can-a-Detective-Really-Make-a-Case-for-Jesus- Can-a-Detective-Really-Make-a-Case-for-Jesus-

Investigating Christianity

Is a detective qualified to examine events from the historical past? How might a detective apply his skills to the examination of Jesus? In...

Why We Just Commemorated National Law Enforcement Day Why We Just Commemorated National Law Enforcement Day

Working as a Believer

We just commemorated National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Do you know how it started? National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (LEAD) was created by multiple...



Nature of Law Enforcement

J. Warner sits down with Dave Jenkins from Servants of Grace for an episode of Equipping You In Grace to talk about why Christians...

Nature of Law Enforcement

Will Madison from the Remaining Sane: Finding Peace in our Chaos Podcast interviews J. Warner Wallace about a wide variety of topics, from police...

Life Off-Duty

In this episode of Incarnate Investigation, Jimmy Wallace (J. Warner’s son) taps into his experience as a police officer to discuss our inclination to...