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Christian Warrior: Get in the Fight

Christian Warrior Get in the FIGHT
Image Credit: Los Muertos Crew from Pexels

“Blessed by the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.” (Psalm 144:1)

Psalm 144:1 is one of my seminal Scripture verses both personally and for the Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry. And while I’ve taught on this passage before, God appears to be using recent events to press me into sharing a fresh message on it that has powerful application both in the natural (law enforcement) and spiritual realms. Let’s dig in!

King David was a remarkable warrior (not a “guardian”), who in today’s terms would be an elite SWAT operative and special forces soldier. David righteously killed many men in hand-to-hand combat, as described in 1 Samuel 17:48-50 and 18:26-27. He understood that training is an essential part of any warrior’s success, and David (and we Christians who serve and protect today) was keenly aware that it is the Lord who had trains our hands for war and our fingers for battle (to fight).

Pastor and Bible commentator David Guzik (the Enduring Word Commentary) rightly noted, “If a man or woman feels that God is training him or her to use spiritual weapons – such as the sword of the Spirit, the word of God – then training must always continue. It is never ‘who trained my hands for war,’ but always in the present: Who trains my hands for war” (added emphasis).

Noted pastor C.H. Spurgeon wrote of the danger of using our weapons without adequate and ongoing training (a danger in both the natural and spiritual realms): “Untrained force is often an injury to the man who possesses it, and it even becomes a danger to those who are round about him; and therefore the psalmist blesses the Lord as much for teaching as for strength.” Amen!

Both physically and spiritually (on duty and off), God is calling His warriors to physically and spiritually be in and stay in the fight. To be battle ready. To understand that we are in a very real war against evil and the “god” of evil (Satan, “the god of this world” — 2 Corinthians 4:4).

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Both physically and spiritually (on duty and off), God is calling His warriors to physically and spiritually be in and stay in the fight. Share on X

I am keenly aware that while brevity it is not my spiritual gift (I am guilty of using a plethora of words), cops love brevity. And Psalm 144:1 (and Psalm 144 as a whole) is certainly representative of that.

Beyond that, God teaches us in this Psalm that our battles (calls, trials, tribulations, etc.) — for which we train and sweat — are absolutely real. In fact, Ephesians 6:10-18 reveals the incredible reality of our spiritual warfare, and that we need to train accordingly.

God teaches us in this Psalm that David’s confidence (and our confidence as believers) was securely placed in the Rock: the Rock-solid, unshakeable foundation of God Himself. David prayed here, as a submitted king (servant-leader/servant-leader), for God, the King of kings and the Warrior of warriors (Exodus 15:3) to empower him so that he could subdue his enemies. David’s prayer was primarily for actual physical warfare (that has powerful application for us who serve in law enforcement today), but we need the very same kind of empowering in our spiritual warfare that is just as real (including in our battle for the souls of the lost).

So what does that look like? For starters, Pastor Ed Rea shared this analogy:

“National Geographic ran an article about the Alaskan bull moose, complete with pictures of huge males as they went antler to antler, crunching together as they collided. When one of their antlers breaks, it’s the end of the battle and defeat. The biggest moose, with the largest and strongest antlers, will ultimately triumph. That means that the battle being fought in the fall is really won during the summer, when the moose eats continually. The one that consumes the best diet for growing antlers and gaining weight, will be the strongest in the fight. Those that eat poorly grow weaker antlers and have less body weight. There is a bull-moose application for our own lives here. Spiritual battles await all of us, but Satan chooses the season to attack. We will be victorious if we prepare by consuming the right spiritual diet of the Word, fellowship, and prayer. Faith, strength, and wisdom for the coming trials are best developed before they’re needed.”

Can we who serve/served not relate to that? I know that as a strength and martial athlete (cops should be both strength and martial athletes), effective training has to include a proper diet (no donuts). Just as we must train physically (the assassination attempt on the former President’s life is a great example of what happens when training and leadership is lacking) in the physical realm, we must also train and fight in the spiritual. How? Here are three quick points:

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(1) Train and fight with your sword (the Word of God — Ephesians 6:17): regular time with God in your Bible!

(2) Regular “Iron sharpens iron” fellowship with other believers (church, small group Bible study gatherings, etc.). And no, it is not “optional” for Christians.

(3) Daily prayer (talking to God).

Finally, it is vital that you understand that you can’t fight or win spiritual battles unless you know our King and Captain. Do you? If not, surrender all to Him in repentance and faith, and then join us in the fight (“So help us God”).

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Michael "MC" Williams is a 35-year law enforcement veteran who recently retired at the rank of Detective/Criminal Investigator. MC continues to write, train and present to law enforcement professionals and others around the country. He's the founder and director of the Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry (

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Roger Chouler

    December 17, 2024 at 7:58 am

    Well said Michael. I believe all men of God need to wake up the the battle and be trained to discern either the attack from Satan or lurking temptation to sin within us.
    Keep on with your work and calling.
    From Roger (South African and English) Trained in the SA Aurforce for 1 year in 1972.

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