We just commemorated National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Do you know how it started?
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (LEAD) was created by multiple organizations in 2015 to express their gratitude for officers in the United States. In support of their services citizens are encouraged to do their part in thanking the law enforcers on this day. One of the main organizations to take the lead in this is Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.)
This holiday was triggered in large part by the chain of events in 2014 when a police officer was involved in a crossfire shooting in Missouri. The backlash and violence that followed this event led C.O.P.S to take the initiative to change this negative portrayal of police officers in the news in recent years into a positive one. With over 900,000 officers in the United States, the organization believes it is essential to support law enforcers during difficult times, and a holiday dedicated to them does just that. The day also raises awareness on the importance of understanding that the difficult decisions taken by police officers are in the best interest of citizens and the law.
I spent more than 35 years in sworn law enforcement. I never sought thanks or “appreciation”. I did the job because it was my calling and yes, my joy (“Greatest Show on Earth”). I protected (and still protect) others even when they didn’t know they needed to be protected. Each year, we will call our nation's citizens to action in support of law enforcement. Share on X
Moreover, through The Thin Blue Life and The Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry we also minister (serve) and appreciate our Law Enforcement brethren by sharing with them the hope found only in a right relationship with Christ. Do you have that? Are you sure? Friend, you can’t earn nor do you deserve salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). It is ONLY by being born again in Christ alone (John 3:1-21, 14:6) that we can be saved.
So, if you don’t know Him as Lord and Savior, it is in the spirit of National LEAD that I implore you to cry out to Him today in repentance and faith (Mark 1:15).
We hop you didn’t miss the commemoration this year, and if you did, be sure to mark your calendars for the next. As Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) so rightly describes:
“Each year, we will call our nation’s citizens to action in support of law enforcement. Those citizens who appreciate law enforcement and are discouraged about the negative attention being given to law enforcement are encouraged to take time on January 9th to show their support.”
Michael "MC" Williams is a 35-year law enforcement veteran who recently retired at the rank of Detective/Criminal Investigator. MC continues to write, train and present to law enforcement professionals and others around the country. He's the founder and director of the Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry (www.thecenturionlawenforcementministry.org).